IFC Golf
Yes–for all you golfers and those who just hit a little round thing to green patches in a field. We are happy to announce the first IFC Charity Golf Tournament for Saturday, August 24, 2019. This event will be raising money for the construction of a school building for the Hohidiai School. The force behind this event is Jim Ridgway. Jim has a huge heart for the less advantaged and started doing charity golf events three years ago with great success. Jim has organized this event to raise awareness of the needs of our children. The golf course hosting the event is Clear Lakes Golf and Country Club in Buhl, Idaho. It is not too far from Twin Falls, Idaho along the Snake River. The course is in great condition and will be fun to play. Several businesses and donors have offered great prizes for the winning teams. There will be chipping and putting contests and teams of four will also compete in the 18 hole low score event. It looks like we could even have a team of Alaskan duffers coming down. Whether you can play golf or what you play does not resemble golf, please consider coming to this event and helping our kids. The golf is simply a means to advance the futures of our children in Indonesia. These funds will help with the completion of the third school building at the Hohidiai School site near Tobelo Indonesia. Come join us for a fun and rewarding day.

The 3rd Annual Fall Classic Charity Golf Tournament
We are all about raising money for a good cause and having a ton of fun doing it!!
This 4-Person scramble format tournament is at the beautiful clear lakes country club in Buhl, Idaho August 24th at 9:00am.
For more information call Jim Ridgway at (208) 320-0125 or email him at kathyjim@cableone.net
$280 per team / $70 per person
This year we are going to try to raise enough money in one day to build a school for an orphanage!