Update–Hohidiai School
We are thrilled that over 170 students are now receiving high quality education at Hohidiai
School. Our students won first, second, and fifth place in an English reading competition. Well
done! Our top grade level this year is Year 7, and we’ll add Year 8 next term. Recently, two
brothers began to attend our school. Their blind father asked us to take them in, but instead we
offered his wife work and enrolled the children in our school so the family could remain intact.
Construction on our second school building is over 50% complete, and
we will soon start construction on our third building. Thank you for
your generous donations to enable this to happen! We recently had a
great visit from experienced teachers at Chairo School in Australia. The
skills they imparted to staff were invaluable.
Qualified school teachers and uncertified teaching assistants are an
ongoing need as we add one grade level each school year. Please pray
for us to get qualified teachers to provide a first-class education to our
Thank you–Hendra Pontomudis, Principle of Hohidiai School